GH Spoilers: Will The Real Sonny Corinthos Please Stand Up? Only Carly Can Save Him From The Delusions In His Head


How did Sonny Corinthos fare? Is Sonny insane? Has Sonny Corinthos lost all sense of reality? Because of what we saw yesterday, which I’ve never truly seen, it was like seeing Invasion of the Bodysnatchers. Sonny has, regrettably, altered since Nixon Falls. It almost seems as though he has fallen victim to deluded thinking and has forgotten who he really is. It’s true that the bridge fall gave him amnesia and seriously damaged him. But do you know what (or who) else Sonny screwed up? Nina.

General Hospital recaps recall how this began and unfolded in Nixon Falls between Sonny and Nina. Honestly, it’s really just plain and simple. Phyllis Caulfield saw a man in need and took Sonny in. She and her husband Lenny cared for Sonny as he tried to navigate his new life. Without any recollection of his own identity, he was unable to give any insight on who is he or where he’s from.

Then, Nina came along and further complicated things. Some Carly haters (and that’s ok, it’s just a show) deny that Nina is a wretched, selfish, manipulator, but her true colors are crystal clear. Anyone who can discovers a human being that is presumed dead, and doesn’t reach out to the family SHE SHARES with said man, must have too many rats in the attic. She took advantage of Sonny, disrespected him and his family by making them believe he was dead, manipulated him, and basically turned him against his own family in her sneaky way. It’s mind boggling how Sonny didn’t see Nina for the wacko that she is after he recovered from amnesia. Therefore, the best explanation suggests that the man can’t be playing with a full deck at this point.


According to General Hospital previews, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) overhears Nina blurt out her relationship status. Disgusted by what she heard, Carly gave a death stare in Nina’s direction. Now, General Hospital spoilers reveal Sonny and Nina are in the peak of their puppy love. From here, things can only go downhill for these two.

How often did we need to hear Sonny ask Nina to be his wife? Additionally, his sentimental monologue about adoring every aspect of her was illogical. His dialogue’s inaccuracies caused me to seriously doubt that I had been watching the same program all those months before. Really? just left Sonny alone, Nina? No. She shaped and coerced him into becoming the person she desired. He has gotten to the point where he is making up stories about events that never happened. In actuality, Nina is not what Sonny’s imagination has made her out to be.
