General Hospital Spoilers: Eddie Learns Nina Didn’t Come To His Rescue – Why Not?


According to General Hospital spoilers, Eddie Maine (Wally Kurth) has been waiting patiently and flaunting his skills on each and every street corner in the city. He aspires to become a famous rock star, but anybody who passes him must recognize him as Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth), who is, quite obviously, insane.

Eddie, though, is unconcerned with his supporters as long as he is allowed to pursue his musical career. Of course, it hasn’t hurt that up until this point, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) appeared to be on his side.

While Eddie isn’t concerned w ith getting back to being Ned, his curiosity about why Nina didn’t jump in to save him the day he fell is going to leave him wondering what else she might be hiding — as is everyone else.


Brook Lynn Quartermaine Squeals

Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) believed he was chatting in private to Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) when he told her what he had seen on the Metro Court pool video tape.

Since he only learned of what he had said as a result of the police inquiry into what had happened to her father, he also reasoned that she would know better than to repeat what he had said. Therefore, if Brookie goes too far and tells Eddie what she knows, it might be in Brookie’s and Chase’s best interests.

Say Harrison Chase Pays A Price

Chase could find himself in hot water with the PCPD again soon if Brook Lynn doesn’t keep her pretty trap shut. Revealing details of a police investigation when those very details need to stay under wraps is not what Chase is going to expect of his girlfriend.

Her attitude and need to put Eddie — whom she views as an imposter invading her dad’s body — in his place are potentially going to cost Chase. He and Brook Lynn are just finding solid ground again. Let’s hope this doesn’t beer them off course.

Eddie Maine Questions Nina Reeves

Of sure, the worst-case scenario will materialize. Eddie won’t accept Brook Lynn’s assertions if they aren’t supported by evidence. Nina has also been nothing but kind to him and encouraging of his ambitions to get in the music industry.

Eddie will find it incomprehensible that Nina would have declined to assist him when he hurt himself, but he will be curious to hear what she has to say when he shares this information since he anticipates that she will refute Brook Lynn’s assertions and label her a liar. She’ll she?
