Dying Valentin Cassadine Hallucinates Helena


The GH recap for May 3, 2023, has the return of Helena Cassadine — sort of.

The General Hospital recap features Valentin Cassadine nearing death thanks to his father so he conjures up visions of his mother in his head.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

In this episode, the infection quickly caused harm to Valentin’s body, but at least he had a ghostly visitation. Meanwhile, Laura and Drew entered Victor’s lab but were swiftly apprehended. On The Haunted Star, Spencer, Trina, and Curtis performed a more successful rescue. Robert and Felicia attempted to obstruct the WSB at Port Charles. Nina was concerned that Drew wouldn’t be able to bring any bone marrow back in time, so Willow was finally taken urgently to the hospital.

General Hospital Recap: Valentin Cassadine Takes A Head Trip

Valentin’s (James Patrick Stuart) condition worsened as Victor (Charles Shaughnessy) and Liesl (Kathleen Gati) looked on. Victor taunted his son and promised he would find his accomplices, and begged Valentin to come clean. If he just told Victor who he was with, he’d have Liesl deliver the experimental antidote. Liesl begged Victor to allow her to test the antidote on Valentin right away, but Victor wanted to wait to see if the drug would work later in the course of this mysterious virus.

Finally, Victor mentioned a Papa-less Charlotte to try to get Valentin to give up the goods, and it almost worked until Valentin tried to speak, and all he could talk about was how he was burning. Victor dragged Liesl away and left Valentin alone to hallucinate Helena. He begged Hallucination Helena to help him but dear old mom just wanted to taunt him. It turned out she was there to take him to hell.

GH Recap: More Action In Greenland

Disguised as a guard, Drew (Cameron Mathison) brought Laura (Genie Francis) into Victor’s bunker and told another guard that she was a prisoner, but they got into a brawl anyway. Once the guard was knocked out, Laura made her way into Liesl’s lab. Drew soon followed, and they found the Kaboodle-like container with the pathogen but didn’t get to find out what was in there because Victor, Liesl, and the guards appeared.

Victor was delighted to see them, especially Drew. When Drew lunged at him, Laura used the distraction to grab the vile with the pathogen out of the Kaboodle, not knowing what it really is. Laura soon found out when Victor told her his plan and then showed them a live cam of Valentin near death. A smug Laura asked Victor if he was sure his plan would work as she showed him she had the pathogen in her hands.

Cutis (Donnell Turner) managed to knock some goons out during his Haunted Star dining room brawl, but Trina (Tabyana Ali) was a wreck when Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) refused to wake. She refused to leave Spencer behind when Curtis wanted to hightail it out of there. Finally, Spencer woke and stood, so they ran from the dining room and did their best to find Big Baby Ace. Amazingly, they got to the room with no problem and told the nanny to step out of the way so Spencer could just grab his brother and walk off with him.

Spencer and Trina were stunned when Curtis told them to take Ace to the plane on the other side of the island, but he was staying behind to help Valentin, Drew, and Laura.

Back in Port Charles, Felicia (Kristina Wagner) was stunned when she learned that Victor has a bioweapon and tried to reach Robert (Tristan Rogers), but he already knew and was dealing with the WSB agent that Scott summoned to the hospital. Robert did his best to talk the agent out of letting the WSB know what is really going on with Victor. When Robert realized Felicia was outside the room, he yelled for her to call Frisco (Jack Wagner) and explain what was going on and talk him out of bombing the island. That just prompted the WSB agent to put tape right over Robert’s mouth.


Finally, Felicia made her way into the room and informed Robert that as soon as Frisco gave the order not to bomb Victor’s island, the WSB replaced him before anyone could blink and was ready to destroy the area and kill everyone there.

General Hospital Recap: Dying Willow Lays Near Death

Michael (Chad Duell) frantically called 911 after Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) passed out upon learning he wants to send his own father to jail. Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) and Tracy (Jane Elliot) arrived to help as Michael wondered if he killed his wife by telling her a secret she might not have needed to know just days before her impending death. BLQ and Granny assured Michael he didn’t cause this and then offered to watch the kids so he could accompany the ambulance to the hospital.

Once alone, Brook Lynn, and Tracy discussed what Tracy did for Chase and the review board but Wiley interrupted. Brook Lynn was surprised to see how great Tracy is with kids as she told him a story about the fourth little piggie.

Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) was surprised to see TJ (Tajh Bellow) at the hospital when he should have been at Willow’s deathbed wedding. TJ relayed how happy Willow was but also how the SEC came to arrest Carly. The next thing they knew, Willow was wheeled in on a gurney. TJ promised Michael he would keep Willow alive. However, when TJ saw Willow’s test results, his face looked grim.

A sad Carly (Laura Wright) tried to drown her sorrows in pie at Kelly’s, but when she went to pay, she learned her credit card had been declined. So, she tried another card, and it was also declined. Carly was surprised when Nina (Cynthia Watros) showed up behind her and offered to pay.

Carly was not about to do that and paid with cash. Nina attempted to be nice and asked about the wedding. Surprisingly, Carly even told her how beautiful it was. However, being nice didn’t last long as she let Nina know how terrible her other dead daughter Nelle was. Carly then told Nina all about the SEC problems and how the SEC is now after Drew and might get to him before they find the bone marrow…we mean, Liesl.

After Carly left, Nina and Ava (Maura West) sat down to chat, and Nina spilled all about what happened with the SEC. Ava was particularly amused to learn that Carly’s assets had been frozen. She even wanted to celebrate with champagne. Not so fast. Nina continued to freak out that the SEC might find Drew in Greenland before he could get to Liesl, and if that happened, it could end Willow’s sad life. Perhaps there is other family out there who could be tested…hmm.
