GH Spoilers For The Week Of July 3-7, 2023: Farewell For Drew, Finn And Liz RECONNECT?


General Hospital Spoilers have been released for the week of July 3–7, 2023. However, we have a programming announcement to make before we look at the upcoming drama. On July 4, 2023, no new episode will air. An encore of Epiphany’s (Sonya Eddy) homage will be shown in its place. Returning to the spoilers, Drew will receive a touching surprise. Tracy, meanwhile, will clash with a lot of people this week. To learn what else is in store for you, keep reading TV Season & Spoilers!

Drew Receives A Surprise, Gladys Gets In A Tight Spot

Drew has really landed in serious trouble on General Hospital. Previously, he believed that confessing to insider trading will get him a plea deal that would require him to serve 6 months at Spring Ridge. However, he ended up getting 3 years in Pentonville. In the week of July 3, 2023, Drew will prepare for his imprisonment. Although before leaving, he will get a sweet surprise. It could be a farewell gift from his daughter, Scout. Or it might even be something sentimental from Carly. After all, he took the fall just so Carly could remain free.

Elsewhere, Gladys will feel rather cornered on General Hospital. She will feel the pressure to backtrack on the bracelet theft charges she filed on Cody. Selena Wu wants Gladys to get Cody off the hook, as she was the one who framed him for it. Meanwhile, Felicia will prepare to investigate Martin and his finances. Do you think she will find something suspicious? Could she find something that would expose his connection to Nina?

Tracy Has Some Conflicts, Molly Confides In Kristina

Tracy Quartermaine is a fierce woman and truly does not know how to take no for an answer sometimes. General Hospital spoilers for the week of July 3-7, 2023, reveal that she will call Diane over for a meeting. Perhaps she will want to force Ned into treatment to shake off his Eddie Maine persona. Later in the week, Brook Lynn will be issuing someone a stern warning. Maybe BLQ and Tarcy will have a conflict over how to deal with Ned’s current situation. The spoilers hint that Tracy will stand her ground and may not let anyone cross her.


Elsewhere in Port Charles, Molly will finally open up about her feelings over her fertility issues to Kristina on General Hospital. Although Molly has decided to put the baby’s plans on pause, she might admit that deep down, she still wants it. A moved Kristina will lend her support to Molly. Moreover, this conversation may even set the base for some future offers Kristina may make to Molly. Could she offer to carry a baby for her sister? Stay tuned to find out!

Anna Does Some Soul Searching, and Liz and Finn Feel Drawn

Previously, on General Hospital, Victor set the wheels in motion to expose some of Anna’s past activities as a double agent. Which then got her arrested and subsequently fired from the WSB. Anna has been down in the dumps ever since then. During the week of July 3-7, 2023, Anna may decide to do some soul-searching in order to find a way to move forward in life. Considering that Valentin has left for Chechnya with Laura, Anna will have enough alone time to clear her head and introspect.

Liz offers Portia some advice after hearing about her marriage difficulties. Liz will soon receive some dating advise, according to General Hospital spoilers. Terry Randolph seems to be going to support Liz and point her in the right way. Could Hamilton Finn be this person? In recent months, they’ve been spending a lot of time together. Is a new chapter in their relationship one of romance? Watch General Hospital to learn more!
