Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Gives Update On Melanoma Diagnosis: ‘Initial Prescription Wasn’T Working’


The 42-year-old former cast member of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” revealed on Instagram in September that she had received a 13th melanoma diagnosis in the previous year.

An update on Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave’s melanoma treatment is being provided.

The 42-year-old former cast member of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills posted a picture of the melanoma on her back on Instagram on Wednesday, revealing that the initial immunotherapy treatment she started in October isn’t helping.

“Now that the noise has died down and I can focus on the important things like my family and my health, I wanted to give a little update since so many of you have been asking,” she wrote.

“My initial prescription of immunotherapy wasn’t working, so my doctor upped the dosage. And now we are seeing some movement. So in two weeks I will have a doctor’s visit and we will see how effective it has been.”


She added: “Thank you for all of your prayers and messages. Couldn’t do it without y’all.”

Mellencamp Arroyave revealed on Instagram on September 13 that she had received a melanoma diagnosis for the thirteenth time in the previous year.

Since then, Mellencamp Arroyave—who received a stage 2 melanoma diagnosis in October 2022—has disclosed that she would be beginning an immunotherapy cream as part of her regimen.

“I was given the option of doing a surgery and having my entire right shoulder’s skin removed and replaced with a skin graft or using this immunotherapy cream. My margins weren’t clear after my last surgery so this is what makes most sense. I chose the cream to start,” she wrote on an Instagram post in October, alongside a video clip showing her 11-year-old daughter, Slate, applying the cream to her mom’s shoulder.

Mellencamp told in December that her experience with the disease has inspired her to use her voice and encourage others to be vigilant when new spots appear on their skin and keep up with their doctor’s appointments.

“Skin checks are essential,” she said at the time. “We’ve seen how quickly it can turn from one melanoma to 12. So when your doctor says, ‘See you in three months,’ it’s three months.”
