General Hospital: Zeke Returns To Port Charles, New Drama Ensues!


General Hospital will soon deliver a welcome surprise to Portia Robinson and Trina. Zeke, Portia’s brother and a darling of the public, is coming back to Port Charles. Even if he doesn’t appear on screen for very long, fans will like his comeback. We’ll see if Portia tells her brother about her current predicament. Does Zeke save Portia’s love life in the end? Do you believe Zeke will succeed in surprising someone? Read on to learn what TV Season & Spoilers have to say about this plot.

General Hospital: Will Zeke Save Portia’s Marriage With Curtis?

There are chances for Portia to get emotional with Zeke and tell the truth about her marriage to him. Zeke must have come to Port Charles to bring Portia and Curtis together if that happened. Zeke might actually go to Curtis’s place to talk to him in that process but can witness a shock! Yes, Curtis is currently getting closer to Jordan on General Hospital. They already shared a kiss in one of the recent episodes. Thus, it is possible that Zeke may walk into a shocker and catch them red-handed in a more intimate act.

If Zeke catches Jordan and Curtis off guard, will he encounter him regarding the same? Or secretly plot a plan? Portia will be heartbroken knowing the truth as she still hopes Curtis will return to her and Trina. Hence, Zeke might devise a crucial plan to expose the illegitimate couple, Curtis and Jordan. This storyline in General Hospital will bring Zeke to the spotlight regardless of why he actually came to Port Charles. After all, he must save his sister’s marriage.


Does Jordan Fall In Love With Zeke?

Looks like Zeke may decide to go to any extent to save Portia’s relationship with Curtis. As Curtis is having an affair with Jordan, there is one possible way to get him out of it. Zeke might get closer to Jordan to try and woo her. If Zeke succeeds in making Jordan fall for him, then there are chances for her to leave Curtis permanently. This way, Curtis could return to his wife and daughter. Also, General Hospital will have a new couple in Port Charles.

General Hospital couple, Portia and Curtis, could come together if Zeke tempts Jordan. Moreover, Zeke could find another way if she didn’t fall into his trap. He can blackmail Curtis into telling the truth to his sister. This might make Curtis leave Jordan permanently. However, being the favorite amongst fans, they will love Zeke no matter his decision to bring Portia and Curtis together. Let us know what you think Zeke will do in the comments. Stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more updates on this topic.
