General Hospital Spoilers: Cody In Deep With Selina, Mac Forced To Save Him When Dante Won’t


According to General Hospital spoilers, Cody Bell’s (Josh Kelly) situation appears to be getting worse. He had hoped that his lawsuit against the WSB would protect him, but it doesn’t seem likely that will happen any time soon.

If Cody has any chance of receiving that money, Scott Baldwin (Kim Shriner) says he must demonstrate that he is the only living successor of Leopold Taub (Chip Lucia).

However, it’s simpler said than done. Exhuming a deceased person’s body is one thing, but ensuring a positive DNA result is quite another.

Cody’s going to need all the help he can get, but with hardly any friends around, he’s thinking about making a last-ditch effort to rope Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) into his scheme. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem like it’s going to end well for him.

Dante Won’t Do Cody’s Dirty Work

Picture this: Cody holds a massive secret that only Dante knows, and it could ruin a lot of lives if it got out. Mac Scorpio (John J. York) is Cody’s biological father, and he’s been running a scam the entire time he’s been in Port Chuck pretending to be Leopold’s heir.

Cody has a strategy in place to profit handsomely from the WSB, but it entails defrauding people. Dante doesn’t want either Mac to suffer harm or for his best friend to run into trouble. However, Cody won’t back down since he has knowledge on Dante that will make his friend nervous when he learns that Cody isn’t scared to use it against him.

GH Spoilers Indicate Selina Spies a Good Opportunity

Cody’s reliance on Dante had always been a given – until it wasn’t. The realization will hit hard when Dante fails to come through for him, but Cody doesn’t want to expose him – at least not intentionally. Threatening to do so was just a way to get what he wanted. Luckily for Cody, he has one more person in his corner.


When Selina Wu (Lydia Look) offers to fix the DNA test knowing full well she’ll benefit from the deal, we can only assume that the cost will be steep. Selina does favors for no one. But Cody isn’t going to be able to resist the power she has to make this paternity snafu go away and send him on a clear path to victory with this lawsuit.

Mac Saves Cody’s Behind

It’s funny how life can surprise us sometimes. In Mac’s case, he never thought he’d become so invested in Cody. But here he is, unable to break free from his concern for his friend. Mac knows he can’t stand by and watch as Selina leads Cody down a dark path, and he has recently conveyed as much to Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco).

Even yet, he worries that if the PCPD pursues Selina, he won’t be able to protect Cody from the consequences. He has a deeper bond with Cody than just friendship, which is why he’s driven to discover the truth about their relationship.

Will he be able to save Cody before he gets too far into it? Could Mac learn from Selina’s investigation that she fabricated the DNA test for Cody? That will undoubtedly spark a lot of inquiries. To find out how this turns out, keep checking back for more GH news and spoilers.
