Why Did Franks And Tish’S Relationship End In Tragedy?


Mike Franks and Tish Kwa’la’s relationship is arguably one of the best in NCIS: Origins, which is why their split in NCIS: Origins episode 13 was so shocking. The couple even became the central focus of one NCIS: Origins episode, which revealed how the two met by chance and made them even more likable. While Franks and Tish’s reunion is all but confirmed, at least according to Kyle Schmid, unfortunately, it will not be for long as it still seems like the couple’s fate will end in tragedy regardless.

Since the premiere of the NCIS spinoff, Franks has been a major player in Gibbs’ character development. However, Franks has also had significant character development himself and much of it has been revealed through his relationship with Tish. Their relationship may seem unstable at the moment, but episode 13 was not the end of their story just yet. The loving couple has had several sweet moments so far, and it seems as though they might have one more before they officially call it quits.

Kyle Schmid Reveals Franks’ Story Is Not Over Yet

There Is Still Some Minor Hope For The Couple

In an interview with CinemaBlend, Mike Franks’ actor, Kyle Schmid, revealed that Franks’ story with Tish “is not over.” NCIS: Origins episode 13, “Monsoon,” was the most impactful episode for Franks and Tish’s relationship. It showed the couple’s beginnings and their supposed ending. It may have even looked like their relationship was over for good, but Schmid’s words reveal there is still more for the couple. The actor has given some insight into what might come next for the pair’s relationship in NCIS: Origins. Read his full quote below:

Throughout Episode 13, Mike is given every opportunity to walk away. He doesn’t. Even at the end, he doesn’t say, ‘Fine. I’ll bury it deep, man. I love you.’ He knows himself. He knows, even as Tish is walking out the door, that it’s not over. That story is not done. And he can’t, for the life of him, because Tish is his life, walk away from it. There’s just something so embedded in him that has been broken and violated that he is unwilling to walk away from. And so it is absolutely bittersweet only in the sense that we’re going to see what happens.

While it is still unclear what exactly will happen between Franks and Tish in the upcoming NCIS: Origins episodes, their reunion will defin itely be emotional. As Franks and Tish still care deeply for each other, there is no doubt their on-screen reunion will hold some heavy connotations because of their shared history. Schmid’s quote even reveals that their reunion will be “bittersweet.” His choice of words implies a tragic ending for the couple, but there may be some good that comes out of it as well.


Franks & Tish Can Still Get Back Together In NCIS: Origins, But They Will Still Have A Bad Ending

NCIS Has Already Established What’s Canon For Franks

Schmid’s quote reveals some sort of reconnection between Franks and Tish, but whether they will reconnect as a couple is still unknown. Because of their deep relationship, they could still reconcile and get back together. Through the flashbacks in “Monsoon,” NCIS: Origins episode 13 revealed Franks and Tish were together for almost 10 years before they broke up. That kind of decision does not happen lightly. There is also so much history and shared feelings between them that it can be easy to fall back on old patterns, leading them to reconnect.

However, despite what might happen in NCIS: Origins, Franks and Tish will eventually separate. The flagship shows Franks alone throughout NCIS’ seasons, leaving no possibility that Tish and him will reunite for good in the prequel. As a result, this means that their ending will be tragic. The only mystery remaining is just how tragic it will be. Since NCIS is known for featuring untimely deaths, I only hope Tish’s exit from Franks’ life is because of a breakup and not something more serious. The circumstances behind their separation would be so much worse if Franks’ relationship paralleled Gibbs’.

Why NCIS: Origins Needs Franks & Tish Even Though Their Future Is Already Doomed

NCIS: Origins Thrives WIth Their Relationship

Franks and Tish need to stay together in NCIS: Origins because they are the show’s best romance. Their dynamics are secure and mature and clearly represent a couple that has been together for a long time. They understand each other and support each other, though they may have different ways of going about it. As a main character, Franks has especially added so much to NCIS: Origins and his relationship with Tish elevates him even further. NCIS: Origins would miss out by losing them so early in the show.

There is also so much history and shared feelings between them that it can be easy to fall back on old patterns, leading them to reconnect.

Franks’ relationship with Tish also lacks the complications of Gibbs and Lala’s dynamic. While Gibbs and Lala were originally set up as the NCIS: Origins romance, Franks and Tish have easily surpassed them. Gibbs and Lala still have their own issues to work out, but Franks and Tish have been together for so long that they have already been through the awkward stages of an early relationship. There is no comparison to the secure relationship that Franks and Tish share, and it would be almost criminal to kill their relationship in NCIS: Origins season 1.
