Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) is hellbent on solving the case of a mysterious bag of money his daughter found behind a naval library. In NCIS Season 22, Episode 14, “Close to Home,” everything hits close to home for Jimmy when Victoria (Elle Graper) comes to the team with some information that might help them catch an elusive bank robber who has been terrorizing the institutions for decades. Jimmy takes point in the investigation, going undercover to find them. CBS released a sneak peek of the March 3 episode, which shows Jimmy questioning his daughter and Jessica (Katrina Law) has to intervene when it gets too intense. Below is the episode’s official logline.
“When Torres (Wilmer Valderrrama) receives a text from Jimmy’s daughter who has discovered a large sum of money near the naval library, the team works together to investigate.”
Jimmy Questions Victoria in ‘NCIS’ Season 22, Episode 14
“Why are we questioning Victoria in our interrogation room instead of literally anywhere else?” Jessica asks Jimmy when the video above begins. Victoria sits inside the interrogation room as Jimmy watches, and he seems furious. “Because this is where the liars go,” he sternly says. “Jimmy, she’s a fourteen-year-old girl; she’s not a hardened criminal,” Jessica tries to reason with him. Jimmy remains adamant that Victoria deserves this for lying. Does Jimmy hate liars that much or is he offended that Victoria called Torres instead of her dad when she found the money?
“You lied,” Jimmy accuses her when the interrogation begins. Victoria denies the accusation. “There was no money at the library and there was no you, either,” he says, maintaining his demeanor. McGee (Sean Murray) enters with some snacks for Victoria and interrupts the interrogation. “We’re kinda in the middle of a confession here,” Jimmy protests. “I can see you want those snacks. That’s guilt hunger you’re feeling. Stay with it,” Jimmy says as he paces. Could it be that she’s just hungry? “Actually honey you’re looking a little pale. Your blood sugar’s probably low. Why don’t you have some the almonds, but don’t enjoy them,” Jimmy says as his facade cracks.
While this sneak peek finds the father-daughter duo on opposite sides, they will team up to take down an infamous bank robber. Jimmy hosts a fake cocktail party, hoping to get the robber’s prints. He runs into a mysterious woman who may have some romantic interest in Jimmy. Erinn Hayes plays Wendy Hill, a fellow neighbour of Jimmy’s who he meets at the cocktail event. She cozies up to Jimmy, betraying her romantic interest in him, or something else.
Where did the money Victoria find come from? Tune in to CBS on Monday, March 3, to watch “Close to Home” and find out. You can also stream past episodes on Paramount+ in the US.