Doctor Who & Torchwood Actor Is Open To Character’s Return After 15 Years (Despite Being Dead)


Despite the character Ianto Jones giving his life in Torchwood’s “Children of Earth” storyline in 2009, Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto) is still open to returning to Doctor Who’s main series. Making his debut in the Doctor Who spinoff season 1 in 2006, Ianto was a Cardiff-based Torchwood Three team member and began as the by-the-book, no-nonsense member of the group who would open up about his past and feelings towards leader Jack Harkness. Ianto also appeared in the Doctor Who season 4 finale “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End” to help defend Earth from the Daleks.

Fifteen years after Ianto gave his life to attempt to save the world in Torchwood: Children of Earth – Day Four, David-Lloyd opened up to about whether he would consider returning to the Doctor Who world. While Ianto has remained dead for fifteen years, David-Lloyd is eager to return on screen should there be some reason to resurrect the character, highlighting his involvement in the series as one that remains special to him. Check out David-Lloyd’s explanation below:

“I’d jump at the chance to go back to Torchwood. Don’t know how that would work, but it’s sci-fi so anything could happen! I think I’d owe Torchwood that, to go back to it. It’s changed my life, it’s a gift that still keeps giving today. I’m still writing stuff for it, it’s still very much part of my life and I owe it a lot so yeah, I’d definitely go back.”

Why Ianto Jones Is One Of Whoniverse’s Most Impactful Figures

Initial Reactions To Ianto’s Death Included Scrutiny Towards Doctor Who’s Creative Team.
While some viewers may still bear grudges, critiques have become less heated and instead turned to celebrations of the character, with a shrine dedicated to Ianto at Torchwood ‘s Mermaid Bay filming location being maintained to this day.


Ianto’s impact on Doctor Who’s fandom during Torchwood’s run cannot be underestimated. Not only was Ianto a firm fan favorite in the early season with his quick wit, exploration of bisexuality, and budding romance with Jack, but his loss left an incredible impact on how sudden and swift it was, making the character’s fate tragic due to him being killed as he and his love were finding themselves. As such, Ianto’s death remains one of Doctor Who’s most heartbreaking moments.

While initial reactions were incredibly volatile at first and critical of the decision to kill a major queer character, the discourse has settled for the most part as the outcry and vitriol directed towards Russell T Davies and other Doctor Who crew members has simmered down. While some viewers may still bear grudges, critiques have become less heated and instead turned to celebrations of the character, with a shrine dedicated to Ianto at Torchwood’s Mermaid Bay filming location being maintained to this day. Few fictional characters have made such an impact, leaving Ianto as a surprising Doctor Who icon.

David-Lloyd has kept Ianto alive for many years since his last on-screen appearance in the Doctor Who universe through audio dramas in Big Finish’s Torchwood range. As such, with Davies hoping to work alongside David-Lloyd’s Torchwood co-star Eve Myles in the near future, there is hope that the invite could be extended to David-Lloyd given his recent comments. While the showrunner has never backed down from his decision to killed Ianto, Doctor Who’s timey-wimey mechanics could open up the universe for a brief Ianto return.

