Doctor Who Showrunner Says 1 Mrs. Flood Detail May Never Get Explained


Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies has revealed one detail about Mrs. Flood that might never get explained in the show, despite it being a staple of her character. The mystery woman was introduced in the Christmas special “The Church on Ruby Road,” where it was revealed she knows about the TARDIS and the main protagonist. She was also privy to knowledge of Sutekh’s return, although it remains unclear how she knew. By the end of Doctor Who season 14, her character remains a mystery, with no concrete information as to who she truly is.

Speaking with SFX (via Radio Times), Davies revealed that, when it comes to revealing more about Mrs. Flood, Doctor Who will likely never explain why she’s able to break the fourth wall and speak to the audience. The showrunner revealed there is a concrete reason she’s able to do this, but indicated it might not actually end up getting revealed. Check out what Davies had to say below:

That hasn’t been explained, and it might never be, frankly. It’s very interesting, within the Doctor Who offices, we know exactly why that happens and yet I’m showing no sign of putting that on screen. There is actually a reason for it that was in a very early draft of The Star Beast. But I see no need to explain it whatsoever. My sister watches that, she doesn’t blink. She actually doesn’t blink when a character turns to camera and gives them a wink. I mean, you would if it was Pride and Prejudice, that would be odd. But there’s something showy about Doctor Who, there’s something proscenium arch about it. There’s something arch about it, full stop.

How Much About Mrs. Flood Will Actually Be Revealed In Doctor Who?


Her Identity Might Not Be Revealed For Some Time

Mrs. Flood was revealed to be a character of note following the Fifteenth Doctor saving Ruby Sunday after the Goblins tried to alter the timeline. She was also temporarily disintegrated by Sutekh, saying she had specific plans that wouldn’t come to fruition without her. However, upon being restored, she informs the audience of the trials the Doctor is yet to face, similar to when she first breaks the fourth wall in her Christmas special debut. While Mrs. Flood’s identity remains unclear, she’ll seemingly be more important as the show continues.

Given the importance she’s had so far, though, it seems Doctor Who season 15 or beyond will eventually reveal why she’s so knowledgeable and what her goals truly are. Mrs. Flood could be anything from another Time Lord to a variant of the Doctor, or even a character from the past reimagined for this current iteration of the show. This could be another member of the Pantheon of the Gods like the Toymaker, or perhaps even The White Guardian based on her snow-white outfit at the end of season 14.

However, since breaking the fourth wall is a key part of her character, it could be a clue that she’s more powerful than any of the familiar faces previously listed. This points to her being a potential newcomer to the franchise, someone with a connection to the Doctor but with a character not previously established in the series. Since there’s so much potential surrounding who Mrs. Flood could really be, Doctor Who possibly never addressing her speaking to viewers makes her all the more mysterious.
