Doctor Who Had An Iconic Queer Couple That Vanished Without Explanation


Doctor Who offers a wealth of Queer representation from Rose Noble to Bill Potts, ensuring that every viewer can feel seen and heard. Even when the show returned to screens back in 2005, it managed to showcase Queer people in a manner not seen before. As such, LGBTQ+ fans of the show adore these dynamics and hope to see more as the latest reboot prepares for Season 2.

But there’s one couple in particular that stands out from the crowd. Jenny Flint and Madame Vastra accompanied the Doctor on many adventures and were best recognized for their unique intimacy and bond. Not only did they exude class and elegance but they were also highly skilled in combat and were invaluable additions to the Doctor and his many adventures. Yet, the couple seemed to disappear once the Twelfth Doctor came along without a trace, and the pair are now very rarely mentioned on screen. But the real mystery lies not only in how they vanished but how the memory of these two incredible were continued after they went AWOL.

Madame Vastra and Jenny Were the Doctor’s Deadliest Allies – Until They Vanished

Though they may seem like the most unconventional couple in the galaxy, Jenny Flint and Madame Vastra were groundbreaking within the Doctor Who canon. Madame Vastra is a late Silurian, who took revenge on a selection of London Underground workers during the 19th Century because she believed that they were responsible for murdering her sisters. In order to remain safe and keep a low profile in this bustling city, Vastra found a place to stay in Cheapside, where she met a working-class girl called Jenny Flint. Though Flint was extremely different from her Silurian partner in terms of species, class, and appearances, the pair formed a strong bond as Vastra hired Jenny to be her maid.

Despite having a unique power dynamic, the pair quickly developed strong romantic feelings for each other and even got married. Alongside them, the couple traveled with a Sontaran called Strax. Even though this species is known for its foul temper and addiction to war, Strax is an amicable alien who acts as the couple’s butler. Yet, underneath this polite exterior, the trio runs an elusive alien crime-fighting agency known as The Paternoster Gang. The group commonly traveled alongside the 11th Doctor, defeating evil snowmen as well as discovering his tomb on Trenzalore. As such, Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint seemed like the perfect sidekicks for the Doctor. Their tenderness and care for each other also made them a truly adorable couple and fans were pleased to finally receive some exciting lesbian representation.

The trio made an appearance in Season 8, Episode 1, “Deep Breath,” but were never seen again after this episode. Both Madame Vastra and Jenny arrive back in their London home after defeating a massive T-rex and the mysterious Half-Faced Man, and their story simply concludes. Although many fans felt as if the pair were wrongly eliminated from the canon, it seems that the writers had bigger plans for them that never really came to fruition. A spin-off series was discussed but never fully developed, meaning that the couple quickly faded into obscurity. In an interview with the Radio Times, ex-showrunner Steven Moffat explains:

“We always thought that we might try and spin them off into something on television but I kept not wanting to fray the output: it’s quite good if Doctor Who is off the air sometimes!”

Jenny and Madame Vastra Subvert the Stereotypes of Victorian London

Despite spending their days exploring the nuances of Victorian London, these ladies don’t hide their love for one another. For example, in the 2012 Christmas Special, “The Snowmen,” the pair are commonly described as friends, sidekicks, or companions, with most people disregarding their romantic relations. But, even though it would be taboo for two women to be together during this time, the couple never fails to remind people that they are, in fact, married. Of course, this turns some heads, but the couple works to defend each other and doesn’t lessen their relationship to make others feel more comfortable. In turn, Vastra and Jenny’s relationship was a big step in the Doctor Who universe because not only were they the first lesbian couple on the show, but they also shared the first lesbian kiss. As such, even when the world of Doctor Who is filled with mysteries and aliens, Jenny and Vastra make one thing clear: their love for one another.


Plus, even though the couple embody a prestigious lady and her tom-boyish maid, the couple strive to be on the same level. So, even when Jenny is serving her wife, she is not made to feel less or in any way subordinate. Thus, it could be said that Jenny enjoys fussing around her wife and sees it more as an act of kindness rather than a contractual obligation. In Season 7, Episode 13, “The Name of the Doctor,” the audience sees Jenny completing her daily tasks but doesn’t feel as if she’s being tormented or forced to do anything against her will. Thus, this is an excellent way to give the viewer a glimpse into their endearing life and view them more as a sweet couple rather than an example of a Victorian power struggle. Overall, Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint embody the joys of being in a loving relationship, which is something Doctor Who has struggled to express in the past. Whether it was the constant awkwardness of Rose and Mickey or the slightly off-putting jealousy seen in Danny and Clara’s relationship, Doctor Who tends to show romantic relationships in a toxic light that often deserve better. So, by allowing Vastra and Jenny to love each other openly, fans can finally sink their teeth into a healthy relationship on the show.

Jenny and Madame Vastra’s Legacy Lives on Through Spin-off Content

Though the vast majority of fans would have loved to see an action-packed Paternoster Gang spin-off on TV, they can still keep up with their adventures in the form of audio dramas. Since 2019, Jenny, Madame Vastra, and Strax have been trawling through the streets of Victorian London, uncovering the aliens that strive to bring this ancient city to its knees. The group has also worked alongside a number of new Doctors, including the Fourth Doctor and the Thirteenth Doctor. Thus, it seems that the couple have found a new home at Big Finish and are continuing to defeat any foreign species that crosses their path.

Some fans are likely to feel upset about the fact that Jenny and Madame Vastra were wiped from their screens without a reasonable explanation. But, the fact that these women can be found in the latest audio dramas is a good thing as they are a medium that is integral to Doctor Who’s history. Therefore, the couple can continue to enjoy thrilling stories together without the actors having to be weighed down by heavy prosthetics or costumes. Although Jenny and Vastra’s relationship was relatively short-lived, the couple has not lost its legacy, proving that they’re more than just a source of Queer representation and are key influences on the entire franchise.

