Big Brother 26 Live Feeds Week 6: Wednesday Daytime Highlights


The Big Brother 26 houseguests spent the day trying to figure out who to send out to see Julie Thursday night – Makensy or Angela. There hasn’t been a whole lot of talk, though, about the possibility of Tucker still being on the block after the AI Arena competition.

As with past competitions, people just expect him to win, but what if he doesn’t? T’Kor and Kimo talked about making sure he has the votes to stay if that does happen. Read on to find out what everyone is thinking about what to do Thursday night.

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Big Brother 26 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 28, 2024:

9:44 AM BBT- Feeds come back after the houseguests were told to get out of bed.

9:57 AM BBT – Quinn is wondering if this week will be a double eviction. He and Kimo wonder if that’s why there were so many AI Instigator messages yesterday.

10:08 AM BBT – Joseph asks Tucker if Makensy is staying. Tucker says she’s going, from what he’s heard. Joseph says Makensy feels safe so he wasn’t sure. He says he doesn’t really care wither way. He says it’s good for them if Angela stays because she can be the pawn.

10:09 AM BBT – Tucker thinks that Makensy and Cam will take shots at him sooner than Angela would.

10:10 AM BBT – Tucker says they should keep Sixth Avenue going. Joseph says until Final 6 or 8. Joseph asks if Rubina has his back. Tucker says Rubina will probably ask Joseph if he and Tucker have a Final 2. Tucker tells Joseph she was upset when Joseph suggested Rubina might just be a number for Tucker. Joseph says Rubina misinterpreted what he said. Tucker tells Joseph he really does like Rubina. Tucker says Joseph should clarify with Rubina that he didn’t mean Tucker was using her as a number in the game. Tucker says Makensy has Rubina thinking that could be true.

10:28 AM BBT – Rubina tells Kimo she thinks Tucker is making her more of a target. Kimo says no one has said that. She says Joseph and Quinn will be able to use that against her. Kimo doesn’t think it’s an issue.

10:30 AM BBT – Makensy and Angela discuss whether or not the house will take a shot at Tucker if he’s still on the block. Angela says she thinks they might and she hasn’t felt like she really needs to campaign much. Makensy says she hasn’t felt like she needs to either.

10:32 AM BBT – Angela says she’ll see soon if she made a $750K mistake. Makensy tells her not to look at it that way and tells Angela that was a brave move.

11:00 AM BBT – Tucker tells Makensy that he still can’t trust Quinn because he’s just here for 15 minutes of fame and Quinn will try to get Tucker out to try to achieve that. Tucker brings up what he thinks is called the Ballers alliance of Quinn, Cam and Chelsie.

11:10 AM BBT – Leah and Kmo talk about the possibility of Cam being behind the AI messages.

11:28 AM BBT – Leah asks Cam if he is the AI Instigator. He says it is not him. He pinky swears on it.

12:22 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Kimo she likes Makensy more as a person but thinks she is more dangerous than Angela. She thinks if Makensy gets to the end she could win.


12:28 PM BBT – Angela tells Chelsie that she is going into the AI Arena with the mindset that either she or Makensy will win it. She says she’s not going to asl people for their votes, but instead will ask people to think of who is best for their game.

12:58 PM BBT – T’Kor is worried about having to break a tie. Chelsie tells her that she knows she will make the right choice if she has to break it.

1:00 PM BBT – Chelsie tells T’Kor she doesn’t know how Rubina and Kimo will vote. Chelsie asks if anyone has been loyal to an alliance this season. She says she thinks people have been protecting people instead of actual locked in alliances.

1:05 PM BBT – Joseph and Kimo agree that they feel better with Angela than Makensy. Joseph does mention what Angela did to Tucker though. Kimo says he knows Angela won’t come for him, but he doesn’t know about Makensy. Joseph says Makensy’s game is ratting people out and he doesn’t care for that. He says Angela, however, is an open book.

1:55 PM BBT – Chelsie tells Jospeh that after that last alliance blowup, she’s not in anything and is just going to vote with the house. Joseph tells Chelsie that Angela would be easier to put up if she stays over Makensy.

3:22 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo that Leah told him Quinn has been throwing mental comps to appear like he’s not good at competitions and he is just waiting to strike. Tucker tells Angela has to stay.

3:24 PM BBT – Tucker tells Kimo if he wins the next HOH he is putting Quinn up. He says Quinn is smart and knows everything about all the seasons. Kimo tells Tucker to maybe not trust Leah either. Tucker says Leah has only told him truthful things.

3:25 PM BBT – Kimo tells Tucker that Quinn trusts Kimo and T’Kor more than he trusts Leah. Quinn says that’s what Quinn wants them to think.

3:32 PM BBT – T’Kor tells Kimo that she thinks Quinn is the only one who feels strongly about keeping Makensy.

3:33 PM BBT – T’Kor asks Kimo if they’ve confirmed that Tucker is safe if he’s still sitting on the block. Kimo says he thinks so.

3:38 PM BBT – Makensy tells Chelsie and Cam that Tucker asked her to throw the AI Arena. She says he told her she would be safe. She said Tucker said he told her if he’s still up there he will probably vote him out.

3:40 PM BBT – Makensy says she just hopes if she’s sitting next to Tucker people will take that shot. She says she’s not a threat compared to him or even Angela.

So if what people are currently saying is true, Tucker would be fine if he was still on the block. But as Chelsie told this week, they won’t be able to really discuss taking that shot at Tucker until it actually presents itself. Everyone seems to have this idea in the back of their minds, but are too afraid to talk about it in case it doesn’t present itself. I have a feeling that Tucker sitting there vulnerable would be far too tempting to pass up. But we’ll never know until it happens because this season’s twist really doesn’t let us get a good read on any eviction until it’s about to happen.
