Big Brother 26: Ai Instigator – How Much Reward Money? [Poll]


The latest Big Brother twist has sent Tucker into a double role as the AI Instigator, causing trouble and spreading information (and sometimes misinformation) behind the disguise of a talking hologram. Gotta admit that’s pretty cool. Now after a week of hijinks the twist is wrapping up and Big Brother is asking us to decide if Tucker should be rewarded for his efforts.

As part of the twist reveal on Sunday, Tucker read his announcement card in the Diary Room where they explained he’d be hiding behind the hologram and playing sneaky with the HGs. They also shared the details of how viewers would be voting for him to receive as little as nothing or up to tens of thousands of dollars for a few days’ work. Not bad, not bad.

Viewer voting will start on Wednesday night as part of the special two-hour episode of Big Brother 26 (boy they’re going to have to really stretch that one out with filler!) and then probably run through Thursday morning. CBS will confirm those details once we get there. But we don’t have to wait that long because we’re starting our unofficial poll now!


Now given this Instigator was already a popularity poll and Tucker likely ran away with the win, is there any likelihood of him not getting the max amount of cash here? And who would vote to keep more money in the pockets of production over one of the HGs? So yeah, I think we all know how this vote will go, but let’s see how the results spread out.

Vote below and then tell us in the comments section why you think Tucker deserves as much or as little as you’ve decided.
