Tulsa King Season 2 Episode 7 Ending Explained: Who Bombed Dwight’S Navigator


The ending of Tulsa King season 2, episode 7 revealed who was responsible for blowing up Dwight Manfredi’s (Sylvester Stallone) Navigator and injuring Mark (Michael Beach), but it also introduced a whole new cliffhanger. At the end of Tulsa King season 2, episode 6, Dwight’s Navigator exploded with Tyson’s (Jay Will) father inside. Dwight has added several new enemies to the cast of Tulsa King season 2, but only one of them could have been responsible. The newest episode revealed who it was, but their reason for trying to kill Dwight, and their mistake in getting Mark instead, might need some explanation.

On top of the deadly drama with Dwight’s car, Tulsa King season 2, episode 7 continued some season-long story lines, and brought the show closer to some monumental changes. Chickie’s (Domenick Lombardozzi) control over the Invernizzi crime family is growing more precarious by the day, as is Cal Thresher’s (Neal McDonough) control over Jackie Ming (Rich Ting) and his Chinese gang. Meanwhile, Dwight’s gang is having their own problems, with the weed shop employees growing paranoid and Tyson heading down a dark and violent path. Tulsa King season 2, episode 7 had a lot going on, so here’s a breakdown of everything important.

Is Vince Going To Take Chickie Out In Tulsa King Season 2?

Vince’s Meeting With The Other Families Indicates He Wants Chickie Dead

Ever since Chickie killed his father, Pete, in Tulsa King season 1, his control over the Invernizzi crime family has been waning. Now, it looks like Vince (Vincent Piazza) is nearly ready to take advantage of Chickie’s bad reputation. In Tulsa King season 2, episode 7, Vince called a meeting with some high-ranking members of the other New York crime families to ask them for permission to replace Chickie as the head of the Invernizzi family. While those other gangsters will have to confirm with their respective bosses, they seemed very open to the idea, and it looks like Vince will get a chance to usurp Chickie.

Whether Vince’s attack on Chickie will be successful, however, is another story entirely. Chickie has made some very stupid mistakes and often makes bad judgment calls, but Vince isn’t the brightest bulb either. There’s a good chance Chickie will see Vince’s attack coming, especially since he’s so mad at his capo for stealing the spotlight during the sit-down in Atlanta, and Vince could be the one to end up dead. Even if Vince does come out victorious, however, he’ll have even more challenges lined up.

One of the reasons the other gangsters were so open to the idea of Vince leading the Invernizzi family is because he promised to make amends with Dwight and open new deals between New York and Tulsa. Dwight, however, hates Vince, and he even broke his jaw in the show’s premiere, so there’s no guarantee he would be more willing to deal with Vince than Chickie. Granted, Dwight has cooled down and started to think from a more business-oriented angle since then, so Vince’s gamble could pay off, as long as he can manage to beat Chickie.

What Bill Bevilaqua’s Planning To Do About Dwight

Bill Likes How Much Money Dwight Makes More Than He Hates His Disrespect

Bill Bevilaqua didn’t plant the bomb on Dwight’s car, and he also seems to be moving away from active hostilities. During a meeting with his gang, Bill’s men tried to convince him to strike at Dwight and blame it on New York, but Bill had a completely different idea. As Bill explained, Dwight makes too much money, and now that Kansas City is profiting due to the deal at the sit-down, it wouldn’t make sense to try to kill him. For now, at least, Bill would rather have Dwight alive to put money in his pocket.

For now, at least, Bill would rather have Dwight alive to put money in his pocket.

An important part of Bill’s decision was that he didn’t completely abandon the idea of killing Dwight. If Dwight ever becomes more of a problem than his cash flow is worth, Bill could decide to kill him later on. Bill would likely want to wait to make a move, however, until he had enough men to take over Dwight’s already-established operations in Oklahoma so that he could keep making money. That seems to be a long way off, though, so Dwight is likely safe from Bill for now. There was, however, one big moment at the end of the episode that may change Bill’s mind.

Why Jackie Ming Bombed Dwight’s Navigator In Tulsa King Season 2

Jackie Wanted Dwight To Stop Interfering With Cal Thresher & Their Weed Farm

The answer to the big question of Tulsa King season 2, episode 6 – who bombed Dwight’s Navigator – is Jackie Ming. After Dwight came looking for Cal Thresher and asking about the white Prius Tyson saw, Jackie confirmed that he had his man, Hanjin (Jenson Cheng) plant a bomb in Dwight’s car. As the ATF agent at the start of the episode explained, however, the remote detonator on the bomb went off too early, which explains why Mark was injured in the blast instead of Dwight. It doesn’t fully explain why Jackie targeted Dwight in the first place.


Jackie essentially told Cal why he tried to kill Dwight. Jackie saw Dwight as a threat to his men, his control over the workers, and the weed farm’s profits, so he tried to deal with him quickly and thoroughly by killing him. Jackie may have also tried to kill Dwight because he was distracting Cal. Jackie and Cal have a tense business partnership at best, and since he needs Cal’s business connections and legal resources, he has to rely on him. Dwight was distracting Cal, which impacted Jackie’s profits, so he decided to get rid of the distraction.

Now that Dwight has the partial license plate number from the white Prius, Jackie Ming will likely be on his radar soon. Dwight will probably have to get through a few shell companies and other layers of hiding, but Jackie will be at the end of the trail, which sets up a bloodbath between Dwight’s gang and the Chinese gang for later in Tulsa King season 2. There’s no telling how that clash could shake out, or whose side Cal Thresher will take, given his distaste for both Jackie and Dwight. No matter what, however, Jackie and Dwight will have to face each other sooner or later.

How Bad Of A Mistake Did Tyson Just Make By Attacking Bill Bevilaqua?

No Matter What Bill Decides To Do, Tyson Is Likely In A Lot Of Trouble

After resolving one dramatic cliffhanger, Tulsa King season 2, episode 7 introduced another. At the end of the episode, Tyson decided to go behind Dwight’s back and get his own revenge on Bill Bevilaqua, which turned out to be a massive mistake. During a half-baked plan to wait outside of Bill’s front gate, Dwight told Tyson that they found the white Prius, but not before one of Bill’s men, Vic Aliotta (Gregory Albrecht), came barreling down the road, shooting at Tyson. After they exchanged some shots, Tyson hit Vic in the arm and drove away.

Tyson’s premature plan to take out Bill Bevilaqua could have some massive – and detrimental – repercussions in Tulsa King season 2. It could threaten to ruin the peace Dwight established during the sit-down in Atlanta, since Bill may view Vic’s injury as another attack by Dwight. Even if Bill realizes that Dwight didn’t sanction Tyson’s attack, though, Vic will be the second person he’s had either injured or killed by Dwight’s gang. There’s a very high chance that Bill will want Dwight to pay for Tyson’s rash decision, which may result in Tyson getting harmed or killed.

Regardless of what Bill decides to do about the attack, Tyson will have to face some serious consequences for his actions. Earlier in the episode, Mitch (Garrett Hedlund) had a serious talk with Tyson about how killing someone takes away a piece of the killer’s soul. Tyson didn’t actually kill Vic, but he doesn’t currently know that, which means Tyson will have to live with the guilt of killing someone until he has to live with the guilt of just shooting them. On top of that, Mark tried and failed to get Tyson to stay, which could put even more strain on their relationship.

There’s no telling who will be dead by the end of Tulsa King season 2, or if members of Dwight’s gang will have to pay with their lives.

Jackie Ming’s car bomb, coupled with Tyson’s attack on Bill Bevilaqua, means there could be a storm of violence brewing for the final three episodes of Tulsa King season 2. To paraphrase Mitch’s words, the show has reached a crossroads, and there are very few avenues left for anyone to get out unscathed. There’s no telling who will be dead by the end, or if members of Dwight’s gang will have to pay with their lives. The ending of Tulsa King season 2, episode 7 likely means that the gang and the show as a whole will never be the same.
