How Gwayne Hightower Knew That Alicent & Criston Cole Were Sleeping Together In Hotd Season 2


Gwayne Hightower notably confronted Criston Cole about his romantic affair with Alicent in House of the Dragon season 2’s finale, begging the question of how he knew the truth about them. As Alicent’s older brother, Gwayne is a crucial ally for the Greens, but the House of the Dragon character didn’t make his debut in season 2. Gwayne made a brief appearance in season 1 during the Heir’s Tournament, where he went up against Daemon Targaryen. With a larger role in season 2, Gwayne was recast and came into the mix after Criston took over as Hand of the King.

As a skilled knight, Gwayne joined Criston’s forces on the march to Harrenhal at Alicent’s request. Despite Alicent’s status as the queen dowager, Gwayne showed evidence of being very protective of his sister, and although he agreed to join Criston and his army, the two men didn’t get off to a great start. Criston and Gwayne both had battle experience, but it was instantly clear that their approaches to battle were very different, especially in Rook’s Rest. As revealed in House of the Dragon season 2’s ending, Alicent had a lot to do with their disagreements.

Gwayne Hightower Saw Criston Cole Smelling Alicent’s Handkerchief

Gwayne Was Already Suspicious Of Criston

During “The Queen Who Ever Was,” Gwayne confronted Criston when he saw he was in possession of Alicent’s handkerchief. The tension between the two men was already high, but it essentially boiled over at the thought that Criston was sleeping with Alicent. Gwayne was never given direct confirmation from outside sources–it’s not like he has his own Larys Strong roaming around–but the sight of the handkerchief was proof that something was going on between his sister and the new Hand of the King. As a protective older brother, Gwayne’s growing anger took over.

Even if Gwayne hoped Criston and Alicent weren’t having a secret affair, he was already suspicious of them. Before leaving King’s Landing, Gwayne caught a glimpse of Criston and Alicent’s conversation and instantly recognized something peculiar about their interaction. It wasn’t an ordinary chat between the Hand of the King and the King’s mother; there was more between them. Gwayne then carried that suspicion until he drew his sword on Criston at the soldier encampment in the woods. Little did both men know, Alicent nearly had Criston’s baby.


What Gwayne Finding Out About Alicent & Criston Means For House Of The Dragon Season 3

Criston’s Affair With Alicent Breaks An Important Vow

it’s doubtful anything will come from Criston and Alicent’s forbidden affair

Gwayne’s suspicions surrounding Criston and Alicent’s romantic relationship clearly affected his perception of the fellow knight. When Criston was confronted, he didn’t even try to deny it and instead questioned the war and the actions of those fighting since so much was out of their control. Gwayne was concerned about Criston’s broken vows as a Kingsguard, but after revealing his regrets connected to the war, there was more understanding between the men, which could have heavy implications for House of the Dragon season 3’s story.

Gwayne and the other men in close proximity to Criston at the encampment now know what’s going on with Alicent and the Hand of the King. Granted, it’s doubtful anything will come from Criston and Alicent’s forbidden affair, especially regarding any real punishment. Though breaking the vow is a serious offense, there are probably more people within King’s Landing who know or suspect something is going on. Even Helaena technically knows, but she and Gwayne would be foolish to do anything that would risk more criticism pointed toward Alicent.

There’s also the fact that more pressing matters have taken focus during the Dance of the Dragons. With Alicent’s secret meeting with Rhaenyra in Dragonstone and bigger battles nearing, a love affair between Criston and Alicent won’t be a priority. Unless House of the Dragon drastically changes Criston’s fate, it’s possible the show won’t feature Alicent and Criston encounter each other directly after he left King’s Landing. Whether or not Gwayne gets over the truth, the topic will soon become moot.

