Does Fanny’S Song In Outlander Season 7 Prove Claire’S Theory Of Faith The Way She Thinks?


A particular song in Outlander season 7’s finale led Claire to believe that her daughter Faith lived, but the evidence here isn’t great. In the final moments of this episode, Claire overheard Fanny Pocock singing the 20th-century song “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside.” This led her to conclude that Fanny’s mother, Faith, was her own daughter. Of course, there were other details throughout Outlander season 7 that helped Claire develop this theory. The song from the future was just the final piece of the puzzle—but Outlander season 8 will have to do better than that.

Faith Fraser was stillborn back in Outlander season 2, episode 7, “Faith.” Claire went into early labor in France and was taken to L’Hôpital des Anges, where she had previously been volunteering. Though Mother Hildegarde did her best, the baby was already gone when she was born. Claire spent hours holding her daughter’s body and notably sang her the song “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside,” originally recorded in 1909. Decades later, Fanny Pocock told Claire that her mother, Faith, had taught her this exact song. The problem is that Faith Fraser should never have remembered Claire’s serenade.

Faith Wouldn’t Remember Claire Signing “I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside”

Claire Only Sang To Her The Once (& Faith Had Already Died)

Claire believes in Outlander season 7 that Master Raymond somehow revived her daughter Faith. The mysterious man appeared to her in a dream and apologized for the truth she would soon discover. Claire had already considered Fanny’s mother’s name a striking coincidence, but hearing the girl sing “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside” sealed the deal. While this made for an intriguing season finale, Claire’s theory is quite a stretch considering the evidence. Most of her conclusion about Faith is based on intuition, but Outlander would have to explain how an adult Faith knew this song.

Faith was an infant during the one and only time Claire sang her “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside”—she also happened to be dead. There’s no way she would have remembered this single occasion well enough to sing the song to her own daughters. This isn’t necessarily a plot hole, and Outlander season 8 could potentially come with a reasonable answer. Still, there isn’t enough evidence to prove that Faith Pocock is Faith Fraser. The fact that the baby couldn’t have remembered Claire singing this song doesn’t necessarily disprove Claire’s theory, but it’s even further from confirming it.

Fanny Singing A 20th-Century Song Only Proves Faith Is Connected To Time Travelers

Faith Pocock Must Have Some Connection To The Future

The only thing that can be definitively confirmed by Fanny singing “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside” is that Faith Pocock had some connection to Time Travelers. She herself may be one, but it could also be that her own parents had the ability to travel through the standing stones. Outlander is already full of time-traveling characters. Claire, Brianna, Master Raymond, Geillis, Roger, Comte St. Germain, Captain Richardson, Wendigo Donner—it seems this ability isn’t all that rare. There are nearly unlimited explanations for why Faith Pocock knew a song from the future.

Master Raymond Is Likely Connected To Faith Pocock (But She Might Not Be Faith Fraser)

Master Raymond Guides The Time Travelers

Master Raymond is something of a puppet master in Outlander.

Another thing that can be concluded from Outlander season 7’s finale is that Master Raymond wants Claire to think that Faith Pocock is her daughter, regardless of whether she actually is. If the mysterious man truly did appear to Claire, his own apology for some way he secretly wronged her is what led the woman to be suspicious. Master Raymond is something of a puppet master in Outlander. As one of the most ancient time travelers in the series, it’s evident that he has some sort of greater plan. If Faith Pocock isn’t Faith Fraser, then it’s likely that Master Raymond himself is the one who taught her Claire’s song.


Why It’s Important That Claire Believes Faith Pocock Is Her Daughter In Outlander

This Revelation Will Guide Claire’s Story Forward

The mystery of Faith Fraser seems to lead to even more mysteries. While it’s evident that Master Raymond wants Claire to believe Fanny’s mother is her daughter (whether she really is or not), it’s still unclear precisely why. The prehistoric time traveler seems to have a larger goal, and he leads and guides the time travelers in an effort to achieve it. Claire appears to be a key part of this. If Master Raymond revived Faith but kept the baby away from her parents, it was so that Claire could learn the truth at precisely the right moment. If Faith Fraser stayed dead, then Raymond has a reason for making Claire think otherwise.

Master Raymond may be misleading Claire about Faith to push her to explore her healing powers. Back in Outlander season 2, Master Raymond told Claire that they both possess a powerful blue aura. Blue is the color of healing, and people like them have the ability to magically reverse injuries—or even revive the dead. Claire has thus far depended on her practical healing skills. However, she is destined to come into her power as she ages. If Claire believes that Raymond brought her baby back from the dead, she may finally dedicate time to learning to stop death herself.

Claire May Never Really Know The Truth About Fanny & Jane’s Mother

She May Just Have To Accept What She Doesn’t Know For Certain

It can be hoped that Outlander season 8 will come with some definitive answers. A return from Master Raymond would be helpful in this regard. Or, perhaps Claire will get further information from Fanny about her mother that would answer whether the woman was a Fraser. Still, it’s perfectly possible that this will be left a mystery. Jamie and Claire are sure to treat Fanny as a granddaughter one way or another. They may love her all the more because of the possibility that she is the blood of their blood, but Fanny was already a welcome part of the Fraser family even before Claire’s theory.

Jamie and Claire are sure to treat Fanny as a granddaughter one way or another.

The important thing is that Claire further explores what her healing powers can do. The Native American woman Nayawenne told Claire she would fully come into her power once all her hair was white. This indicates that Claire will truly become La Dame Blanche—the White Lady. This was a name Master Raymond himself passed around France, beginning a rumor that Claire was a powerful sorceress. Though Claire may never be reunited with the daughter she lost in Outlander, the song “I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside” may still be the first step toward her true destiny.

