Outlander season 7 quietly introduced another time traveler character, and it’s a great sign that the upcoming episodes will finally provide some much-needed answers. Season 8 will mean the end of the romantacy series and there are a whole lot of loose ends that still need to be wrapped up. To make matters even more complicated, the most recent finale brought in a massive new mystery with the reveal that Jamie and Claire’s first daughter, Faith, might have somehow survived infancy. Outlander season 8 will have its work cut out for it, but all the players are at least on the board.
In addition to explaining how Faith Fraser could have lived on to have children of her own, Outlander season 8 will need to finally provide answers about time travel. Back in season 1, it seemed as if Claire’s trip through time was a complete accident, but it has since become clear that this wasn’t the case. The ability to slip through the stones is genetic, and certain characters seem to be drawn to different points in time for very specific reasons. It’s as if there is a larger plan at work in Outlander, though it’s currently unclear what this is. Thankfully, there are signs that season 8 will explain.
Outlander Secretly Introduced Another Time Traveler In Season 7
Claire Met Another Man From The Future
One of the ways that destiny seems to be at work in Outlander is that time traveling characters seem to be drawn together by some invisible force. Claire has already come across several during her travels. This started with Geillis Duncan in season 1, and has continued to characters like Comte St. Germain, Master Raymond, Otter Tooth, Wendigo Donner, and, of course, Roger MacKenzie, Brianna Fraser, and their children. Most recently, Captain Ezekiel Richardson has been brought into Claire’s story in Outlander season 7, part 3.
Outlander season 7 hasn’t yet revealed that Captain Richardson is a time traveler, but he has already begun to cause trouble for the central characters. It was he who came to Lord John Grey to warn him of Claire’s impending arrest, and he who then secretly revealed to Claire that he was a Continental rebel posing as a British loyalist. Captain Richardson asked Claire to spy on John Grey and William Ranson, and after she refused, he gave William orders that would have gotten him killed. Like every other time traveler in Outlander, Richardson clearly has a plan—a reason he traveled through time.
Captain Richardson & Master Raymond’s Season 7 Moments Hint At More Answers About Time Traveling
Season 8 Can Explore The Greater Plan
The fact that Captain Richardson became such a key player in Outlander season 7 hints that answers will surely come in season 8. At the very least, Claire is sure to discover what the man’s true plan is. He may claim to be a rebel posing as a Red Coat, but the Outlander books reveal that Richardson traveled back in time intent on stopping American independence. His intentions aren’t entirely corrupt, however. Richardson hopes that if the Colonies never break from England, then slavery would be abolished much sooner and the Civil War could be avoided entirely.
Master Raymond is another time traveler, and he seems to be key in pulling the strings and guiding others who have slipped through time.
Captain Richardson is unlikely to achieve his goal in Outlander. No efforts to change the past have ever been successful before—in fact, time traveling characters only ever seem to ensure that history plays out precisely as it is supposed to. This has everything to do with the fact that these individuals seem to be players in a much larger game. Master Raymond is another time traveler, and he seems to be key in pulling the strings and guiding others who have slipped through time. As it is, this mysterious man also made an appearance in Outlander season 7, so answers about how all this fits together may finally be on the way.
Why Outlander Season 8 Must Focus More On Time Travel
Outlander Must Bring Things Back To Its Foundation
Though Captain Richardson and Master Raymond’s appearances in Outlander season 7 seem to imply that the larger picture will soon be revealed, this may not end up being the case. Outlander season 2 never revealed that Comte St. Germain was a time traveler, and it’s uncertain whether this character will ever be addressed again. Season 8 may ignore Captain Richardson’s status entirely, and Master Raymond’s appearance could have been a one-time deal. However, we can certainly hope that the upcoming season will really lean into the time travel aspect of the fantasy series.
Outlander is, at its core, a time travel fantasy TV show. Jamie and Claire’s romance is at center stage, and the historical fiction aspect adds layers of intrigue. Still, the bulk of Outlander revolves around the magical way characters are brought into one another’s lives. Claire was born hundreds of years after Jamie, and therefore never should have met him. However, it’s clear that they are soulmates and she was always destined to travel through time to meet him. Claire isn’t the only one, however. The most important question Outlander can answer is why so many of these characters have met through time and space.