The next installment in Thom E. Gemcity’s book series might not see the light of day. In NCIS Season 22, Episode 12, “Fun and Games,” Timothy McGee (Sean Murray) comes under scrutiny after the contents of his next book raise some questions with the Pentagon. The February 10 episode finds him being questioned when the line between fact and fiction becomes blurred, and he might expose some national secrets. Meanwhile, Kasie’s (Diona Reasonover) life is also under scrutiny when two of her forensic science friends die under mysterious circumstances, per the official logline below. CBS released a sneak peek of the episode in which McGee explains why the Pentagon is interested in the book.
NCIS investigates the fatal poisoning of one of Kasie’s forensic scientists. Meanwhile, McGee is questioned by the Pentagon regarding the contents of his book.
What’s Up with McGee’s New Book?
Torres (Wilmer Valderrama) asks McGee where he was when the video above begins. “DoD. They had some questions about my new book. Apparently, it’s too close to reality—a classified reality,” McGee responds. He says details about the contentious content have been held back, but all will be revealed in his meeting with the Pentagon. McGee finds it odd that the Pentagon would be interested in the book, but what if it’s a sign of a bigger problem coming for him? “What’s the book about?” Torres wonders. “Main character is a hot new cryptologist, Delena Fleming,” McGee responds. Torres notices the similarities between the main character and McGee’s wife. “The book itself is about the nature of joy,” McGee explains.
Torres expresses interest in reading it when it comes out and immediately regrets his words. McGee is ready with a soft copy. “Just flag anything that might be classified,” he adds. And that’s how Torres was tasked with writing a book report. Meanwhile, the team tries to get to the bottom of two deaths related to Kasie. After hosting a game night, two of her friends died from poison, and the team thinks they were poisoned at Kasie’s. This prompts an inspection of her home to find out how the deceased were poisoned and who, if anyone, in the party might be guilty.
Tune in to CBS on Monday, February 10 at 9 p.m. ET to watch “Fun and Games,” written by Matthew Lau and Steve Binder and directed by James Whitmore Jr. Past episodes are available to stream on Paramount+ in the US.