Outlander Season 8 Risks Continuing A Frustrating Trend After Season 7’S Dramatic Misunderstanding


It’s looking likely that Outlander season 8 will continue a series trend, and this is especially frustrating considering season 7’s biggest misunderstanding. This romantacy series is nearing its final episodes, which will undoubtedly continue to dive into the big Faith reveal from the end of season 7. Since this twist never happened in author Diana Gabaldon’s books, it can be concluded that Outlander season 8 will not end like the unfinished novel series. Still, Starz is sure to take inspiration from Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone in at least one regard, though perhaps it shouldn’t.

Outlander 7 did a great job of building anticipation for season 8. Viewership had been on the decline for the series, so it was important that the most recent episodes hook audiences in for the upcoming ending. The reveal that Faith Fraser might not have died certainly achieved this, but this wasn’t all that was exciting about season 7. There were many canon events in this installment of Outlander as well, including Claire and Lord John believing for a time that Jamie had died. This tragic misunderstanding came straight from the books, and it looks like a similar situation is sure to play out in Outlander season 8.

Jamie Is Set To “Die” Again In Outlander Season 8 (According To The Books)

This May Follow Up Season 7’s Death Misunderstanding

In the book Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone—the last published installment in Gabaldon’s series before her upcoming tenth—Jamie again set out for battle, but he didn’t return. He was gravely wounded on a mountainside during the fighting, and a desperate Claire set out to find her soulmate and save him. Jamie’s injuries were beyond her ability to heal medically, but Claire’s desperation and love for Jamie allowed her to heal his wounds magically instead. It was the blue-aura power that Master Raymond told Claire she possessed, and Outlander book 9 finally gave her a chance to use it.

Of course, in this version of the story, Claire never came to seriously suspect that her daughter Faith had lived, and Master Raymond never came to her in a dream either. Outlander season 7’s finale has departed more from the books than ever before, hinting that anything could happen in the upcoming season 8. Still, Claire’s vision of Master Raymond in Outlander will most likely inspire her to explore her healing ability further, so it certainly seems that the TV show is setting up Jamie’s book “death” for the coming episodes.

Jamie & Claire’s Near-Death Experiences Are Getting Worn Out In Outlander

The TV Show Can’t Space Them Out Like The Books Have

Claire magically healing Jamie would be quite a thing to see in Outlander season 8, but yet another near-death experience for either of these characters may fall flat this time around. The fantasy TV series has seen Jamie and Claire separated, molested, and knocking on death’s door several times, to the point that these stories no longer have the same impact. It was just recently that Claire thought Jamie was dead after his ship disappeared at sea, and it wasn’t long after that that Claire came close to death herself. These conflicts were handled effectively, but a repeat in season 8 is a bit tiring.


It was just recently that Claire thought Jamie was dead after his ship disappeared at sea, and it wasn’t long after that that Claire came close to death herself.

These near-death experiences happen in the Outlander books, but they don’t feel nearly as repetitive since more stories and plotlines occur in between them than in the TV show. Without the filler stories, audiences are left jumping from misadventure to misadventure, to the point that Outlander becomes a touch less palatable. This isn’t to say that season 8 shouldn’t feature Jamie’s most recent brush with death. Instead, the TV series must find a way to present this disaster so that it doesn’t feel like a frustrating repetition of what has happened several times before.

Outlander Season 8 May Abandon The Books’ Story

Outlander May Take A Fresh Route

While it seems that Outlander season 7’s Faith twist is setting up Claire’s big magical moment in season 8, it’s possible that Starz is trying to throw audiences for a loop. After all, Claire suspecting that Faith lived is entirely unique to the TV show, so Outlander season 8 may find a different way to exercise her blue-aura healing power. Perhaps, rather than Jamie being wounded, it will be Brianna’s turn to come close to death. This would be a significant surprise for TV and book audiences alike, and seeing Claire desperately heal her daughter with blue magic would be just as riveting.

One thing seems guaranteed regardless—Claire will get a chance to use her powers in Outlander season 8. Both the TV show and books have been angling her character toward a destiny in which she fully comes into her magic. Her journey may look different on the page than on the screen, but the destination should be more or less the same. What’s important at this point is that Starz does what is right for its TV medium, which may mean breaking the old Outlander Jamie-and-Claire disaster trend.
